Documents ========= Documents and their history can be imported. There are still limitations though. Here are the list of unsupported features: * Export/import metadata in project * Export/import item's metadata * Export/import wiki documents * Export/import link versions * Export/import approval tables * Export/import locked document Basic XML syntax ---------------- .. sourcecode:: xml ... ... <![CDATA[Project Documentation]]> <![CDATA[My subfolder]]> <![CDATA[My embedded file]]> <![CDATA[My empty document]]> <![CDATA[My link]]> <![CDATA[My file]]> Note: * the item ```` must contain only one element: a folder item (the *root* folder). * Files (and embedded files) versions have a tag ```` which reference a file located in the archive. * unless specified (see below) the owner of items will be the current user who is importing the project. * unless specified (see below) the creation/update date of items will be the date of import. * unless specified (see below) the permissions of items will inherit from the parent. Description ----------- The optional description can be specified in the properties of the item: .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 4 Dates ----- You can specify the original creation date and update date in the properties of the item: .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 4,5 You can also specify the creation date of a specific version of a file or embedded file: .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 10,17 Users ----- The owner of the item can be specified in its properties: .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 4 102 The author of a version can also be specified: .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 10,17 102 102 .. NOTE:: See :ref:`project-export-import-users` for more details of user format. Labels & Changelog ------------------ The label or changelog of an item version can be specified: .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 10,17,18 Permissions ----------- Each item can define its permissions ``read``, ``write``, and ``manage``. .. sourcecode:: xml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6,7,8