.. _mysql80_upgrade: Upgrade to MySQL 8.0 ==================== Tuleap supports MySQL 8.0 since the 14.3 release. As the end of life of MySQL 5.7 is in October 2023, you must consider and plan your upgrade before this date. If your database runs in a Docker container, please report to :ref:`the installation guide ` to see the current appropriate parameters to give to the ``mysql:8.0`` Docker container. If your database runs on the same server than your Tuleap instance you can use the following commands in order to upgrade: .. sourcecode:: shell yum install rh-mysql80-mysql-server echo -e '[mysqld]\nsql-mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"' > /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql80/my.cnf.d/tuleap.cnf mkdir /etc/systemd/system/rh-mysql80-mysqld.service.d/ echo -e '[Service]\nTimeoutStartSec=99999999999999999' > /etc/systemd/system/rh-mysql80-mysqld.service.d/override.conf systemctl daemon-reload systemctl stop rh-mysql57-mysqld cp -a /var/opt/rh/rh-mysql57/lib/mysql /var/opt/rh/rh-mysql80/lib/ # The first start can take a long time, you can follow the upgrade progress in the MySQL logs systemctl start rh-mysql80-mysqld systemctl enable rh-mysql80-mysqld systemctl disable rh-mysql57-mysqld rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/rh-mysql80-mysqld.service.d systemctl daemon-reload For all other situations, please consult your database administrator and the `official MySQL 8.0 upgrade guide `_.