Docker Standalone ================= For anything but tests, you should have a dedicated MySQL (**version 8.0**) and Redis (last stable recommended) databases. At first run you will need to provide some information about the platform you want to deploy: * The Tuleap server name (without https) as ``TULEAP_FQDN`` environment variable * The Database server name as ``TULEAP_SYS_DBHOST`` environment variable. See :ref:`database installation ` for specific configuration. * The database admin user (root or equivalent) as ``DB_ADMIN_USER`` environment variable * The database admin user password as ``DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD`` environment variable * The database application user (typically ``tuleapadm``) password as ``TULEAP_SYS_DBPASSWD`` environment variable * The Tuleap ``admin`` user password as ``SITE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD`` environment variable Please check the :ref:`environment variables ` to know what they stand for. .. warning:: You cannot enforce encryption of Redis communication if you enabled Subversion because the underlying code, written in perl, doesn't support encryption. The data volume must be mounted on ``/data`` inside the container. When running, the container exposes the following ports: * ``80`` TCP http traffic, automatically redirected to ``443`` * ``443`` TCP https traffic * ``22`` TCP ssh traffic (for git) Tuleap Community ````````````````` You can init docker image in command line: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -ti \ --restart always \ --publish 22:22 \ --publish 80:80 \ --publish 443:443 \ --hostname \ -e \ -e \ -e DB_ADMIN_USER=root \ -e DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} \ -e TULEAP_SYS_DBPASSWD=${TULEAP_SYS_DBPASSWD} \ -e SITE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD=${SITE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD} \ -e TULEAP_FPM_SESSION_MODE=redis \ -e TULEAP_REDIS_SERVER=redis \ -e TULEAP_REDIS_PASSWORD=${REDIS_PASSWORD} \ -e TULEAP_EMAIL_TRANSPORT=smtp \ -e \ -v /srv/path/to/data:/data tuleap/tuleap-community-edition For future runs you don't need to pass all the environment variables: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -d \ --restart always \ --publish 22:22 \ --publish 80:80 \ --publish 443:443 \ --hostname \ -e TULEAP_FPM_SESSION_MODE=redis \ -e TULEAP_REDIS_SERVER=redis \ -e TULEAP_EMAIL_TRANSPORT=smtp \ -e \ -v /srv/path/to/data:/data tuleap/tuleap-community-edition Tuleap Enterprise ````````````````` .. attention:: This image is only available to :ref:`Tuleap Enterprise ` subscribers. Please contact your support team to get your access to the private registry. You first need to authenticate towards Tuleap's registry: .. code-block:: bash $ docker login You must specify the Tuleap tag you want to run (there is no ``:latest`` to avoid mistakes). Please note that you can either: * Use the exact Tuleap Enterprise Edition tag like ``11.13-4`` * Or just run the head tag of the release like ``11.13`` .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -ti \ -e \ -e \ -e DB_ADMIN_USER="root" \ -e DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD="a fine password" \ -v /srv/path/to/data:/data The next runs won't need the environment variable so you can restart with: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -d \ -v /srv/path/to/data:/data