Requirements ============ To install Tuleap you will need a **fully dedicated server**. It can be **virtualized or physical**. It is not recommended to install Tuleap on a server that hosts other applications. Tuleap provides a full suite of software and is deeply integrated with its host system. Installing Tuleap on a server shared with other applications will certainly cause problems in both Tuleap and your other applications. Tuleap can be installed on the following Linux x86_64 systems: - CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x **(LEGACY)**. The details of the installation on this system is not covered in this guide. - **Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL, Rocky, Alma Linux 9)**. **You must disable SELinux** prior to the install. The server will need an Internet connection as it will download external packages. Database ```````` Database must be MySQL v8.0. The database **must** be dedicated to Tuleap. Either it's a local installation (as described below, perfect for small & medium instances) or provided by an external service. Shared databases must not be used: - they cannot guarantee the needed Quality of service - they cannot respect the requirements (SQL modes) described below - they make consistent backups almost impossible