.. _rocketchat: Rocket chat =========== `Rocket.Chat `_ is an open source chat/messaging solution you can self host. It's an alternative to Slack, Mattermost, Teams, etc. Authenticate with OAuth / OpenID Connect ---------------------------------------- #. On your rocket.chat server, in Administration, look for ``OAuth`` in the search entry in the side bar. #. On top right, click on ``Add custom oauth`` and type Tuleap #. On your Tuleap Server #. Generate a new :ref:`OAuth2 ` app in your project **without `Force usage of PKCE to authenticate`** and set as redirect endpoint the callback URL given by rocket chat (in the form ``https://.../_oauth/tuleap``) #. On your rocket.chat server, in newly created Tuleap provider: #. ``URL``: https://tuleap.example.com (Replace by your Tuleap server) #. ``Token Path``: /oauth2/token #. ``Token Sent Via``: Header #. ``Identity Token Sent Via``: 'Same as "Token Sent Via"' #. ``Identity Path``: /oauth2/userinfo #. ``Authorize Path``: /oauth2/authorize #. ``Scope``: openid email profile #. ``Param Name for access token``: access_token #. ``Id``: tlp-client-id-X (Replace by the Client Id generated at step 1) #. ``Secret``: tlp-oauth2-Y (Replace by the Client Secret generated at step 1) #. ``Login Style``: Redirect #. ``Username field``: preferred_username #. ``Email field``: email #. ``Name field``: name #. ``Avatar field``: picture #. Activate `Show Button on Login Page` #. Activate ``Enable`` (at the top) #. Click `Save changes` Integrations ------------ You can use all the integrations that works with :ref:`Mattermost ` out of the box. You need as Rocket.Chat administrator to create a new Incoming WebHook integration and then use the generated URL in Bot definition of Tuleap.