.. _project-milestones: Project Milestones ------------------ .. attention:: This module is part of :ref:`Tuleap Enterprise `. It might not be available on your installation of Tuleap. The widget Project Milestones aims at displaying the main information of a Scrum Backlog on a personal or project dashboard. Project Milestones features: * Multiple widgets to synthesize several Backlog of projects on same dashboard * Integration with TestManagement Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The displayed project in Project Milestones must have the Backlog service activated and configured (see :ref:`backlog`). Project Milestones can be displayed on any personal dashboard or project dashboard. Add the widget ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: ../../images/screenshots/project-milestones/project-milestones-add-widget.png :align: center :alt: Project Milestones add widget :name: Project Milestones add widget To add Project Milestones in a dashboard, you need to select Project Milestones in section ``Backlog``. Then, enter the label of the project to display, select the project from the dropdown, and click on ``Add widget``. Integration with TestManagement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To configure and use TestManagement, see :ref:`TestManagement `. You don't need to do anything else. Presentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: ../../images/screenshots/project-milestones/project-milestones-full.png :align: center :alt: Project Milestones full :name: Project Milestones full The widget is composed of 4 main parts: ``Roadmap``, ``What's hot``, ``Recently closed`` and ``Past``. Roadmap ^^^^^^^ In Roadmap section, there is a link to go to top backlog of the displayed project. This link displays the number of artifacts in the backlog and the upcoming releases' number. What's hot ^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: ../../images/screenshots/project-milestones/project-milestones-current-release.png :align: center :alt: Project Milestones current release :name: Project Milestones current release This section displays all releases that are in progress. You can open or close a release by clicking on its label. At the top, you can find: * Release's label. * Dates. * Number days to go (with a percent on the hover). * Remaining effort (with a percent on the hover). All opened sprints are displayed with links to Overview, Taskboard/Cardwall. Furthermore, there is the number of closed releases. If Burndown and Burnup are configured, there are displayed. Finally, at the bottom there are links to go to Overview, Sprint Planning, Taskboard/Cardwall of the release. Integration with TestManagement ``````````````````````````````` If TestManagement is configured, there are more additional information: * A pie chart to display the number of each tests classified by status. * A link to go to test campaigns of each sprints. * At the bottom of the release, a link to go to test campaigns of the release. Recently closed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The last closed release is displayed. When you open this release, you have access of same information like in ``What's hot``. But, the header is different and you have the initial effort (instead of remaining effort). Integration with TestManagement ``````````````````````````````` In the header, you have the number of tests in the test campaigns of the closed release. Past ^^^^ There is a link to go to past releases. This link displays the number of past releases. Multiples Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can add as many widgets as you want on the same dashboard. Thus you can display different projects.