General Configuration Settings ============================== This module allows you to define a series of properties for your tracker. Some of those properties have already been defined in the tracker creation form while some others are only available on this configuration page. The properties are as follows: - **Name**: this is the name of your tracker. More precisely you want to name your tracker after the type of artifact that are going to be managed in your tracker. This name will be used by Tuleap in the title of the various screens of the trackers. Typical example of tracker names are: Action Requests, Support Requests, Requirements, Defects or Bugs… - **Description**: A longer description of what this tracker is all about and the type of artifact that it manages. - **Short name**: this is a short name that best describe the type of artifact managed in this tracker. This name must be quite short as it is used in various screens of the Tuleap Tracker like the artifact update form next to the artifact ID. Following the examples given for the Name field above, short names can be: AR for Action Request, SR for Support Requests, Reqt for Requirements, bug for Bugs… - **Instantiate for new projects**: This parameter is only displayed when working on a "template" type of project (see :ref:`project-type`). If the parameter is selected, then projects created from this template project will have this tracker created. If not selected, the tracker will not be available in the new project. - **Submit instructions**: an introductory message that displays at the top of the artifact submission form. This is a convenient way to give directions and recommendations to the submitter. The text must use HTML tags for formatting which gives a great flexibility to shape the content of this preamble (you can use bold, italic, colors, embedded URL…) - **Browse instructions**: an introductory message that displays at the top of the artifact searching and browsing screen. The text must use HTML tags for formatting which gives a great flexibility to shape the content of this preamble (you can use bold, italic, colors, embedded URL…)